Thursday, February 17, 2011

Way to go, Wisconsin!

Wisconsin State Capital today
Today, in News of the Fucking Awesome, all of Wisconsin's Democratic state senators have apparently fled the state, in an attempt to stall voting on an anti-union bill that will eliminate many State employees' bargaining rights, and dramatically raise health insurance and pension costs, among other things.  Most awesome, probably, just might be Senator Lena Taylor's announcement to her Facebook followers, stated simply, "brb."  The lawmakers vowed not to return to Wisconsin until Republicans "drop the assault on workers' rights."

Of course, this follows the news that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker briefed National Guard troops, preparing them to possibly take action against protesters who may "disrupt State services."  Walker also says that if the measure fails, he will lay off more than 6,000 State employees and remove more than 200,000 children from Medicare.  And this is only one of many measures Walker is taking that will completely ravage desperately needed public services.

Sen. Lena Taylor's Facebook announcement

Way to go, Wisconsin lawmakers, State employees, unions, and protesters!  I hope we catch your spirit over here in Minnesota.  Looks like it's already started to spread.  In the meantime, I promise to stop telling everyone that your state is only good for Minnesotans who want to buy beer on Sundays.

You can sign a petition here to let Governor Walker know that you stand in solidarity with Wisconsin State employees.